
At Fox Sustainability is a way of life. We work with Puget Sound Energy and their Energy Management Engineers to scrutinize every aspect of our business to ensure maximum energy efficiency.

This led us to become Washington's First I-502 Processor to use 100% renewable energy.

Fox uses PSE’s Green Power Fuel Mix

Green power is renewable power. It's power made from resources that are naturally replenishing like sunlight, flowing streams, and cool breezes. It's also made from biogas, a by-product of modern living commonly released at dairy farms and landfills. These resources will not run out. They also have dramatically lower pollution rates than fossil fuels.


Environmental Impact

Indoor grow facilities require a ton of power, even a small facility like ours! Being part of the 100% renewable energy program has an extremely positive impact on the environment. In the period of one calendar year, our facility's carbon footprint is reduced by over 1.3 million pounds of c02. That’s the equivalent to over 2 million miles driven on the interstate or planting 14,000 trees. We urge you to enroll your homes and businesses in PSE's green power program!

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Encouraging Others

We strive to encourage others to be environmentally conscious and offer support to those who don't have the means to become more energy efficient. We are excited to be a part of PSE's Green Power program and to be able to contribute to the wonderful programs they offer with the additional proceeds from the Green Power Program. PSE has awarded nearly one million dollars in solar grants throughout the region. Most have been focused on local non-profits, housing authorities, and tribal entities serving low-income, and BIPOC community members. In addition to saving recipients money on their utilities, the projects will serve to further clean energy in the region. Your participation in the program enables even more solar and renewable power to your neighborhoods.

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